Views: 36
By Leo Salas (02-23-2019)
We started at about 10:15am with N5KCH presiding.
Newly elected Section Manager Steve Smith, KG5VK, thanked the Club for their support and explained several items on his plate to address right away when he officially takes office April 1, 2019.
Jerry Keisler, WA5KZA, gave a presentation on RFI noise from possible household sources.
The usual club business of minutes and treasure’s reports were given.
An updated list of local hams that are involved with the Club in the last year was passed out to those present.
Two new members joined. We welcomed Charles Penry, WA5VHU & his XYL.
The club fund raiser with the Lion’s Club brought done extra donations to the club.
Discussion about newly licensed members receiving a new HT was heard.
VE testing is next Saturday.
A location has been mentioned that is to be donated for future club meetings and events.
Mike Rice won the drawing. $33.00 & gave it back to the club.
The April Meeting will be moved to Mentorfest 2019 in Garland.
Posted by Leo