Ref. Ramsomware attacks:
Heads up!
I recently posted some pertinent info on your computer nightmare thread. If folks don’t know how to set up their routers and firewalls — and cell phones — ask one of our members who do. The cream of that crop would be either Phil, Leo, Rick, George and/or Johnny. I’m sure there are more, but those are the first to come to mind. In any case, this is not something they can do for you. You must be prepared and ready to do your own homework and get your fingernails/keyboard dirty with a little hands-on infrastructure work on your own home network. If you’re thinking in terms of beefing up a favorite commercial or church system on the cheap — don’t. Hire a professional. Yeah, it’s expensive now, but you’ll have a whole new and different perspective when your systems get naileded and you’re staring at the BSOD (Blue-Scree-Of-Death — Windows), or the endlessly whirling rainbow, (Apple/Mac).
A little effort now is cheap insurance.
And as stated in the other post, if you are currently running an older Cisco/Linksys router — REPLACE IT IMMEDIATELY! I recommend Synology for fine grained security controls in both NAS and Routers.
That is all. Carry on.