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Nobody wants it, few people expect it, and even fewer are ready for it when disaster strikes. When the lights go out, the internet gets pooched, and cellphone service is graveyard dead, how do you communicate?
There are people right here in your own community who not only expect it, but are planning for it. Among those, Amateur radio operators.
They build, plan, organize the right skills and gear, and once a year, jerk the plug out of the wall, drag it all out in the open, and test their ability to communicate under field conditions.
They call it, Field Day” and it’s happening again this year at the Love Civic Center Pavilion June 25th and 26th. The public is welcome and encouraged to come observe and if you like, actually get on the air using an amateur radio station.
Information about getting your own “ham” radio license will be available.
So, come along, have a look and join the fun.
That’s June 25~26, at the Love Civic Center pavilion.
See you there!
Point Of Contact is: Eric@easttexasradio.com